Has God Spoken?


Has God Spoken is a detailed review of the evidence supporting the authenticity of the Bible. Hank Hanegraaff skillfully presents differing types of evidence to expound upon the accuracy of scripture. The book is laid out in a simple structure comprised of 4 acronyms: Manuscript COPIES, Archeological SPADES, Prophetic STARS and Scriptural LIGHTS. Using this accessible format, Hanegraaff makes sense of what could otherwise be an overload of information. The topics range from copyist practices to Assyrian archeology and from the Epic of Gilgamesh to the typological prophesies of the Old Testament.

Hanegraaff’s presentation of this historical evidence is anything but dry! Indeed he seems to make the Bible come alive with background information that breathes new revelation into age old stories. While I honestly admit to being a Christian, I found the information in this book compelling and thoroughly researched with plenty of endnotes for further study.

There were a few personal preference objections I had to the way the author wrote the book. First, the author seems wholly too sold on the power of alliteration for my liking. Take this example from page 16:

In short, the contention that careless, capricious copyists created cartloads of clearly contaminated copies simply does not correspond to reality.

Secondly, Hanegraaff appears to be writing much of this book in response to research by Bart Ehrman, an obvious decrier of scriptural truth. While I obviously do not support Ehrman’s views, I am not sure I’m comfortable with how openly Hanegraaff criticizes his assertions. However, if you can read the critiques in the light of passion for his cause, Has God Spoken is a truly interesting and educational read for any faith level.

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